




Date Champion Won From
2/23/2008 Eric Perez (Eric Escobar) and Eddie Colon (Primo) Defeated Heath Miller (Heath Slater) and Steve Lewington in tournament to become first ever champions
3/22/2008 Nic Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) and Brad Allen Eric Perez (Eric Escobar) and Eddie Colon (Primo)
4/15/2008 Eric Perez (Eric Escobar) and Eddie Colon (Primo) Nic Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) and Brad Allen
5/6/2008 Drew McIntyre and Stu Sanders Eric Perez (Eric Escobar) and Eddie Colon (Primo)
7/17/2008 Eric Perez (Eric Escobar) and Eddie Colon (Primo) Drew Mcintyre and Stu Sanders
8/17/2008 Nic Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) and Gavin Spears Eric Perez (Eric Escobar) and Eddie Colon (Primo)
9/11/2008 Heath Miller (Heath Slater) and Joe Hennig (Michael McGuillicutty) Nic Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) and Gavin Spears
10/30/2008 David Hart Smith and T.J. Wilson (Tyson Kidd) Heath Miller (Heath Slater) and Joe Hennig (Michael McGuillicutty)
12/11/2008 Tyler Reks and Johnny Curtis David Hart Smith and T.J. Wilson (Tyson Kidd)
4/30/2009 Caylen Croft and Trent Beretta Tyler Reks and Johnny Curtis (2 on 1 handicap match, Johnny Curtis unable to compete due to injury)
7/23/2009 Justin Angel and Kris Logan Caylen Croft and Trent Beretta
7/23/2009 Duke Rotundo (Husky Harris) and Bo Rotundo Justin Angel and Kris Logan
11/19/2009 Trent Beretta, Caylen Croft, Curt Hawkins (The Dudebusters) Duke Rotundo (Husky Harris) and Bo Rotundo
1/14/2010 Joe Hennig (Michael McGuillicutty) & Brett DiBiase (The Fortunate Sons) Trent Beretta, Caylen Croft, Curt Hawkins (The Dudebusters)
3/13/2010 Jimmy Uso & Jules (Jey) Uso Joe Hennig (Michael McGullicutty) & Brett DiBiase (The Fortunate Sons)
6/3/2010 Hunico & Epico Jimmy Uso & Jules (Jey) Uso
7/15/2010 Kaval & Michael McGullicutty Hunico & Epico
7/16/2010 Hunico & Epico Kaval & Michael McGuillicutty
8/12/2010 Johnny Curtis & Derrick Bateman Hunico & Epico (Match also involved Donny Marlow & Brodus Clay)
11/4/2010 Wes Brisco & Xavier Woods Johnny Curtis & Derrick Bateman (Triple Threat Match also involved Brodus Clay & Jackson Andrews)
12/4/2010 Titus O'Neill & Damien Sandow Xavier Woods & Mason Ryan
Xavier Woods & Wes Brisco were forced to vacate the titles when Brisco was injured and unable to compete. 
3/25/2011 Richie Steamboat & Seth Rollins Titus O'Neill & Damien Sandow
4/12/2011 Calvin Raines & Big E Langston Richie Steamboat & Seth Rollins
7/21/2011 Donny Marlow & CJ Parker Calvin Raines & Big E Langston
11/3/2011  Brad Maddox & Briley Pierce Donny Marlow & CJ Parker
2/2/2012 Husky Harris & Bo Rotundo  Brad Maddox & Eli Cottonwood
Brad Maddox and Briley Pierce were forced to vacate the titles when Pierce was injured and unable to compete.
3/16/2012 Corey Graves & Jake Carter Husky Harris & Bo Rotundo
6/15/2012 Leakee & Mike Dalton Corey Graves & Jake Carter
7/13/2012 CJ Parker & Jason Jordan Leakee & Mike Dalton
7/29/2012 Brad Maddox & Rick Victor CJ Parker & Jason Jordan (Triple Threat Match also involved with The Ascension)